Thursday, June 9, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Canton! Guangzhou and Hong Kong - the end!
The hotel description had said it was near the East Station so I was persuaded, I needed to go to that station to get my ticket for Hong Kong. This young lady closed up her shop and walked me to the bus-stop, the bus stop had moved so she asked for further directions and walked me to another one. She wrote the name and address of the hotel in Chinese, so I could ask for directions, and she waited with me till the bus came and asked the bus driver to see I got off at the right stop. Incredibly helpful.
Crossing to Shamian Island
Signs of British occupation!
Two of the bronze statues that depict peaceful co-habitation
One of the churches
Friday, 13th May
A thunderstorm last night and still pouring with rain in the morning, though not as bad as Xingping. Still very warm as well. I went to the station early and had a coffee in Starbucks, I left the hotel before the Bank opened so I didn't ask about HK dollars, this was just as well as I decided to put my case into 'consign', it weighed 18.9 kilos so no problem with airlines, not with Emirates anyway. By now I had put my back-pack in the case and had only a small bag as hand luggage. Through Chinese immigration and customs, there was a sign-up saying that our temperatures were being taken, God knows how, I could see nothing. It was quite luxurious travelling without my case, well worth the money though the train was not full and there would have been space, several people were travelling with much more luggage than me.
When I arrived in Hong Kong, Hung Hom station (really massive), I checked on why my credit card was not working, the ATM told me it had been cancelled, this was an HSBC ATM, my bank. When I got to the hotel I was stupid enough to tell them that my credit card was not working as they wanted a 500$ deposit, as well as paying for my room. I got cross as I did not want to be drawing money out unnecessarily, only to be handed it back as I was leaving the country. I decided that it had been a bad idea to change my booking to Friday, 13th! Eventually we sorted it out to our mutual satisfaction.
I went to a branch of HSBC to use the internet to find out why I was having problems, in the first one I was told that it was not possible, later I found one where I could use the internet but the system was different, both to home and to Shanghai, so I had to leave it. (When I got home and phoned HSBC they said my card had not been cancelled, so what that was about I don't know, but it did stop me spending money in Hong Kong!!)
My hotel was in Kowloon, just off Nathan Road, very convenient for getting about. my hotel room was so small that I could barely get in with my case, but I had a bed, a shower, a kettle and a TV with English language programmes, what more could I want.
Despite the initial problems with the hotel I liked Hong Kong, it's civilised, the traffic drives on the left, there are double decker buses, drivers respect pedestrian crossings, there are almost no bikes and no spitting, on the other hand it is still Chinese.
I had my clothes washed in a Chinese laundry and I found a chain of cafes that had internet access.
I found the flower market and the bird park.
then returned.
Flamingoes in Kowloon Park
Then I went back through Temple Street market and to the hotel. Unfortunately there was not the same choice of English language programmes on so I went to sleep early!
Sunday Up early, not from choice but because I went to sleep too early! I got up and got the metro to central, then to the Mid Level Escalator, the escalator was coming down, which seemed a bit strange as going up is so much more difficult, still I walked up! I stopped in Soho for breakfast and when I got to the very last escalator it was going up!
I took the bus from Aberdeen back to Kowloon and looked for somewhere to eat, it was surprisingly difficult, I ended up going back to the Shopping Mall, to a cafe, and having a sandwich. There was not much left that I wanted to do, so I went back to the hotel for my luggage and took the bus to the airport. Next stop home! (No, next stop was Bangkok, where we had to stay on the plane, then Dubai, where we got off, then home) My only view of Dubai was when the plane banked, I saw little mud houses and desert, not what you think of when you think of Dubai.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Yangshuo and Guilin, Guangxi Zhiang Province
My 'rafter' easing us on to the river.
The river was very relaxing, interesting scenery. Only me on the raft, for a while I felt like the queen, as I was the only westerner around and all the chinese wanted to take photos of me! For some reason we seemed to go very slowly and all the other rafts overtook us.
The view on the back of a 20 yuan note!
Spectacular scenery.
Bamboo growing up the side of the river.
The hills had a strange 3D effect as they sat one in front of the other.
It kept raining, I was wearing shorts, because it had been very hot the previous day, so fortunately only my legs got wet. we stopped a couple of times then at 10.45 we stopped on a shingle beach and a woman came and told me that we would have to wait until 12.30 as it was
The porta-loo hiding in the trees!
Police boats on the river.
I wondered around and then bought an enormous case, too big I think, maybe. Apart from that I had a lazy day, I was harrassed by people trying to sell me things, there are loads of stalls, all selling the same stuff; silk scarves, pashminas, embroidered cushion covers and batik. Anything I wanted to buy I bought in Lijiand and Dali.
I got the bus to Guilin and found the hostel I'd been trying to book, it was a bit basic, which was why it had plenty of spare rooms! It was right opposite the main station so there were plenty of taxis around. I believed that my train went from the North station. I was in a room for 4, 1 chinese man and 2 French ladies, one my age and one very young, the young one is doing a round the world tour, the older is spending 2 months in China.
Wednesday - still itching!