Here I go again, determined to finish. A drive to Ourense and then a bus to Casas Novas where I finished 2 weeks ago. Straight into Cea for a coffee and a stamp on my credencial.
It is strange that I remember virtually nothing of this walk though I have done it before. In my mind it was a lot of road out of Cea and then a long walk across the top of a hill to Dozon. In fact the road walk was not long at all and the top of the hill was only the last 1 to 2 km. The rest was mainly through countryside and villages, plenty of opportunities for pit stops.
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A vast deal of money is being invested in renovating the camino! |
The weather forecast said rain but, though there was the occasional fine drop, the day was generally dry and cloudy and walking was warm.
I had a companion in the albergue but she was not friendly so I was better alone.
Day 2 Dozon to Laxe 18 kms
A pleasant days walk, some road but mostly through countryside. Although it is the 3rd time I have walked this stretch the only thing I could remember was the bar in Botos and the walk away from there.
I got to Laxe to find that the albergue is having serious construction work done, I was fortunate that it is open but the outside area is completely off limits. It was difficult to find somewhere to sit and it was very noisy. In the evening I was joined by a lovely Spanish couple doing the Invierno.
Day 3 - Laxe to Bandeira 17 kms
It was a broken night, the lights go on and off automatically by sensor, this is supposed to stop at 22.30 but it didn't, the Spanish lady must have been right under the sensor and the lights went on every time she moved! I was also a bit cold, I was under-dressed. The week in Portugal had made me forget how cold albergues can get at night.
We were all up early, the others were continuing to Outeiro but during the morning our paths kept crossing which was really nice, we also stopped for coffee together.
Another pleasant day of walking, once again there was a threat of rain but nothing materialised until late in the afternoon. I got to Bandiera in time to shop for food before having a beer and going to the albergue. This albergue is prefabricated and very modern but it has everything needed except pans in the kitchen, but that is why I am carrying one!
Day 4 - Bandeira to Santiago 33 km
I went to bed sure that today would be another short walk to Outeiro but when I got up I decided to probably walk the whole way. The probably depended on the time I arrived at Ponte Ulla but I really didn't want to arrive at the albergue too early, afternoons and evenings become very long when you are alone.
The morning went well, I was walking well and got to Ponte Ulla at 11.00. I had a coffee and bought a sandwich to have for lunch later. The owner of the bar was a lovely lady and we chatted as I went to pay, she offered me a 'sello' and off I went. I had walked about 10 minutes when I realised that I had not actually paid so I had to retrace my steps, fortunately she hadn't realised either! After this it really was onwards and upwards. I passed the albergue at Outeiro before it opened and carried on to the cross at Lestedo where I stopped for a picnic, it was trying to rain but not too badly.
I arrived in Santiago at 17.30, very tired but I got my compostela and my certificate for my 1242 kilometres from Valencia. I've finally done it.