After a, not very restful, night spent at the airport I arrive at Munich. I had, inadvertently, chosen the last weekend of the Oktoberfest for my visit. Munich station was full of young people, the majority in Bavarian dress, dirndls or lederhosen. I 'did' the Oktoberfest many years ago, when I was young, which is definitely the best time to do it, so I proceed to my destination, Schliersee, which is in the Bavarian Oberland. Before leaving Munich station I did a bit of food shopping, as I was not sure there would be any shops open when I arrived. The apartments take a bit of finding as the map they have provided seemed to suggest taking a back road, unfortunately the building is not named from that side and their are no road signs, I walked 2 to 3 kilometres more than I needed, then two little girls on bicycles kindly escorted me back to the right place. I then find that there is a supermarket open on Saturday afternoon so I shop a little more, then collapse. The apartments can receive BBC, not sure how, but it is lovely to 'chill out' watching English television and recover from my lack of sleep.
Sunday, 3rd October
I investigate the small town and find the lake. The town is typical Bavarian, chalet type houses and lots of flowers.
Monday, 4th October
Another beautiful day, I have a lazy morning, just a wander around, then lunch by the lake, at the terrace restaurant. Then I get the gondola to the top of the local mountain.

At the top there is a hotel and restaurant, a children's play area with a tiny train. There is an alternative way to descend, by toboggan!
Unfortunately my camera battery is flat so I don't manage to get a photo of anyone coming down that way but there are plenty of takers. I walked down the mountain and meet loads of teenagers walking up, all for the pleasure of coming down by toboggan. I also see some older people, I almost think that I might have succumbed if I had been with someone to encourage me!
At the top there is a hotel and restaurant, a children's play area with a tiny train. There is an alternative way to descend, by toboggan!
I took this photo a few days later.

Tuesday, 5th October
A visit to Munich. I have to start by buying a ticket from the automatic ticket machine! This has a touch screen and the screen saver was on view when I started so I touched the screen in the wrong place. I was surprised that my return ticket to Munich was only costing 7.6 euros, when the single had cost over 10, but I bought the ticket. Fortunately I realised that I had, in fact, bought a ticket for Bayrischzell, further up the valley, rather than for Munich, before I cancelled it, but this then gave me my plan for the next day!
Tuesday, 5th October
A visit to Munich. I have to start by buying a ticket from the automatic ticket machine! This has a touch screen and the screen saver was on view when I started so I touched the screen in the wrong place. I was surprised that my return ticket to Munich was only costing 7.6 euros, when the single had cost over 10, but I bought the ticket. Fortunately I realised that I had, in fact, bought a ticket for Bayrischzell, further up the valley, rather than for Munich, before I cancelled it, but this then gave me my plan for the next day!
In Munich I start by going to the booking office at the station to book a train for Ulm on Thursday and to organise my train to Zurich on Saturday. There is a special queue for English speaking tourists and I opted for this. I really should have been practicing my German but my plans fro Saturday were complicated. It was a charming young man at the desk, who was very helpful. Unfortunately I then arrive in the Marienplatz just as the Carillon finishes.

The last time I was in Munich I ate in the Rathouse Keller, the restaurant under the Town Hall. I remember it as being a large vaulted chamber, with men eating on their own at almost every table! I decided to have lunch there but I discover, that like almost anything, it has changed a lot, still I enjoy my meal. Over lunch I study the map and after lunch I head for the Market. The fruit and veg are truly impressively presented.
It is raining on and off. Not too severely to make wondering around uncomfortable but enough to make long pauses unpleasant.
The last time I was in Munich I ate in the Rathouse Keller, the restaurant under the Town Hall. I remember it as being a large vaulted chamber, with men eating on their own at almost every table! I decided to have lunch there but I discover, that like almost anything, it has changed a lot, still I enjoy my meal. Over lunch I study the map and after lunch I head for the Market. The fruit and veg are truly impressively presented.
Munich is a beautiful city, I just have one unanswered question. When I was last there I went into a very impressive baroque church. There were photos inside that showed what the church looked like after the war and it had been totally re-built. I was quite disappointed. I think the new build at Coventry is a much better idea. I had thought this church was in the Marienplatz but it isn't, so where is it?
Wednesday, 6th October
The train ride to Bayrishczell.
The view across the valley.
Thursday, 7th October
Ulm is really beautiful. The cathedral has the world's tallest spire. I had timed my visit to arrive for the midday organ concert but there wasn't one! So I hired an audio guide from the tourist information office and wondered around. There is lots that is worth seeing but the Fishermen's quarter and the Crooked house are truly impressive.

I think it is the first time I have seen the River Danube, one day I want to cruise the Danube from Vienna to the Black Sea but I'll leave that till I'm very old!
Friday, 8th October
Wednesday, 6th October
The train ride to Bayrishczell.
The town is very pretty.
I decided that I should have a walk and found a foot path. in fact there were loads if I had had the right information. I found loads when I came back down, but most were long and I was not inclined so I walked to to a waterfall. The walking was difficult as it had rained heavily during the night and it was damp and slippery underfoot and I didn't have a stick. It was also humid. On the way I saw this sign!!
Beware black cats! I thought black cats were lucky!
The view across the valley.
Thursday, 7th October
Visit to Ulm. Thanks to the helpful young man at the train station I had a days travel card, as this was very cheap I bought a First Class one, it felt very strange as I don't usually travel First Class.
Ulm is really beautiful. The cathedral has the world's tallest spire. I had timed my visit to arrive for the midday organ concert but there wasn't one! So I hired an audio guide from the tourist information office and wondered around. There is lots that is worth seeing but the Fishermen's quarter and the Crooked house are truly impressive.
Friday, 8th October
My last day. The weather is really strange. The weather forecast says sun, but instead it is anti cyclonic gloom, but the gloom is very low flying cloud. Occasionally there are clear moments then mist and fog comes in again.

I opted for a walk all around the lake. I had seen from the train that the path at the Schliersee end of the lake might be difficult to find so I decided to go that way but once again my logical plan never materialised. I walked the other way!

Unfortunately the Schliersee end was quite as difficult as I had expected and I forgot to take my map with me. The signs kept pointing in different directions and then petering out and pointing back the way I'd just come. At one point it became very misty and quite disorientating. I knew that I could always walk back around the lake again so it was not really worrying but annoying. It was easy to see how dangerous it can be in the mountains in such circumstances.
I opted for a walk all around the lake. I had seen from the train that the path at the Schliersee end of the lake might be difficult to find so I decided to go that way but once again my logical plan never materialised. I walked the other way!
Unfortunately the Schliersee end was quite as difficult as I had expected and I forgot to take my map with me. The signs kept pointing in different directions and then petering out and pointing back the way I'd just come. At one point it became very misty and quite disorientating. I knew that I could always walk back around the lake again so it was not really worrying but annoying. It was easy to see how dangerous it can be in the mountains in such circumstances.
In the end I found a man sitting on a bench and he pointed me in the right direction. I certainly walked a lot further than the 7k but it was all flat so nice and easy. When I got back and looked at the map I discovered that I had been very close to where I wanted to be.
Saturday, 9th October
Saturday, 9th October
The journey home.
There is no flight from Santiago to Munich but there is to Zurich. I got round this on the way out by booking a flight to Stansted and the from Stansted to Munich. I've since discovered that I'm probably always best to look at flights via Madrid. However I liked the idea of travelling via Zurich, especial
ly when I discovered that the train journey from Munich to Zurich can include a boat trip across Lake Constance, so this is what I had decided to do.
The boat goes from Freidrichshafen to Romanshorn.
Unfortunately it was another cloudy day so I didn't see any mountains in Switzerland.
Zurich airport is an experience, beats Santiago or Stansted hands down! A series of very upmarket shopping areas, very big, no queues. You don't go through security until just before the departure gates so there are dozens of security zones around the airport, though it does seem odd to have duty free shops before security as there is no point in buying alcohol of any description.
The strangest thing of all is that I did not go through passport control at all on my way home! Not between Germany and Switzerland, not at Zurich Airport and not even when I arrived at Santiago.

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